Monday, July 17, 2006

the beginnings of something ... part 5

Wheaton Station:: The center escalator was working on this homeward commute. Not so the next day.

Wheaton Station:: More of the ecalator tunnel. I find the lighting fascinating. It also takes 3 mintues to get to the top, if I don't walk. So there's plenty of time to snap pics. It could get boring quickly but it's not like I'm riding the system all day experiencing all the other stations. Wheaton is the beginning and the end of my day. Sigh... I'll try to branch out.

Wheaton Station:: Motion blur as I pass my SmarTrip card over the sensor to exit. The bottom right shows a repeat of the cost of my trip and the remaining balance on my card.

Wheaton Station:: What's there to say about this except that I wish my commute only cost $1.35. Posted by Picasa

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